St. Hubert's Animal Welfare Center

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Lynn Seguin

Shortly after retiring from a career in consulting back in 2015, Lynn Seguin filled out an online volunteer interest survey she’d seen on the State of NJ website. She’d been thinking about what to do next, so when she was contacted by St. Hubert’s volunteer coordinator in response to the survey Lynn decided to give helping out at the shelter a try.  

Lynn began by volunteering as a greeter. A few months later she heard that Buddy’s Boutique was looking for help, and it was there she found just the right fit. This month marks Lynn’s 3 year anniversary at Buddy’s. A steadfast Wednesday volunteer, Lynn enjoys working with Buddy’s manager, Karen Brennan, and thinks Karen has done “a lot of good things at the store.” Karen is grateful for Lynn’s commitment to Buddy’s, and says that, in addition to being “extremely nice,” Lynn “has a great handle on all of our products and helps keep me up to date on items we need to restock.”

Though she has had dogs for much of her life, Lynn feels she now travels too much to have one at home. But she likes to support the shelter by purchasing gifts in Buddy’s for her sister’s cats and dog toys for her friends’ dogs. And she particularly enjoys when adopters come into Buddy’s with their new family member: “I get to see all the happy people.”